martes, 5 de abril de 2022

Au Club de la Licorne en 16 Tours - President Hi-Fi Records

Earl Bostic - Twilight Time

Earl Bostic - 720 over the Rocks

Bubber Johnson - Confidential

Bubber Johnson - Little Girl Don't Cry

Johnnie Pate - Muskeeta

The Gum Drops - I'll Follow You

Johnnie Segui - El Bodeguero

Johnnie Segui - Que Tiene el Cha Cha Cha

Vitín Avilés - Me Gusta el Merengue

Vitín Avilés - Merengue

The Quarter Notes - My Fantasy

Herb Lance - Close Your Eyes

The Platters - Voo-Vee-Ah-Bee

The Platters - Beer Barrel Boogie

Eddie Miller - Whispering

Eddie Miller - Somebody Stole My Gal

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