BRAZIL'S BRILLIANT JOAO GILBERTO Pops In Portuguese With Antonio Carlos Jobim's Orchestra
Bien, con esta maravillosa descripción y poniendo cuatro canciones, ya tendría el trabajo acabado y me podría poner a dormir.
Pero no. El sino (sustantivo masculino con el significado de hado, destino..) del bloguero es arduo, abnegado y como las almorranas, se sufre en silencio. Somos como guardas galácticos de viñas virtuales a punto de cosechar, no se sabe que, y, nos debemos a nuestro potencial público. Tenemos un potencial que no te lo acabas. Vivimos en la potencialidad, bajando a la izquierda. Y encima nos llaman narcisistas. Que queremos destacar, y, que la gente diga: hostia tú, que tío. Ahí donde lo ves, es una autoridad en Bossa Nova por la Universidad de Recife. Y cuando llegas al Supermercado habitual, donde te conocen por que tienes una nota pendiente, a grito pelao, te digan: don Evaristo, ya ha llegado el papel higiénico tres capas. Y tú que vas de sobrao, contestes: pues ponme seis rollos.
Esta es la edición brasileira que tiene una particularidad. Todo encierra su aquello y su porqué. Querían una cosa discreta, que no resaltara, que no se viera y el encargado, al final, la pifió y aún se puede adivinar a quien pertenece y poco más. A no ser que esté en Braille.El título se debe a la letra de los "primeros compases" de la canción Meditaçao.
Bill Perkins - Samba De Orfeu
Oscar Peterson - Wave
Aunque es una paliza, pero ya he almorzao, no me resisto a copiar las "Original Lines Notes" de Jobim, de un belleza y gusto exquisitos, que acompañaban a esta grabación:
In January, I could no longer resistit and traveled I up the mountain. Everyone knows how abundant water was in 1960. How much it rained! I got into the cabin, put on some old trousers, and waited for the serenity nine hours of sleeping without nightmares provide us.
The bad weather and the mud kept everyone at home. But it was nice that when the days seemed a bit clearer, in the early morning, me and my son, still in our pajamas, went out to see the ants work cutting the roses of the garden. But alas! When the sun was just starting to shine, it began raining again and we had to run inside.
One night, when I was about to turn the lights off, I heard the motor of a car fighting to climb the entrance ramp. Joao Gilberto and his wife were arriving. We had arranged for them to come but, due to the bad weather, we didn't expect them to make it, and least of all in a cab!
He told me later, close to the fireplace, that he had used a tractorto push the car. He was exhasuted and he rested for entire days.
After that, we started working. Running away from the living room, where the kids -captive because of the rain- were playind, we went into one of the dorm rooms, which provided with wooden walls, had excellent acoustics. There, away from the city and the telephone, we worked calmlty for about ten days. Once in a while the work was interrupted by the child who entered the room with a chick of the native tico-tico or of the coleiro birds which had "failen" from the nest. At that time of year, the edge of the roof was fullof nests of little birds. One other occasions, the ladies came in with strong coffee and cookies, and they stayed for a while.
When the weather improved and the sun was shining brightly in the sky, we went for a bath at the small cascade and walked a bit by the surrounding area.
Then Joaozinho departed, and a few days later I received a message: the material for the disc had been assembled and Aloysio had set a date for recording it. And then the madness began: studio, copies, musicians.
And everything had originated in an ambiance of peace, among little birds!
P.S.- The kids will love "O Pato" (The Duck)
He re-editado esta entrada de hace 8 o 10 años y la verdad, me gusta. Hay que ver cuánta energía e ilusión me acompañaba en ese tiempo. No me dirán que esto no merece al menos una mención, o en su defecto un premio. Ya puestos, pongamos una subvención. Saludos!